Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Blog Post #10

    If I were to become a history teacher data collection and surveying tools would be an important aspect to my teaching and how I would prepare. First of all I would use data collection to keep track of grades, this way the grading will take less time and be more accurate. I would use the surveying tools to create daily questions that could be used to judge how the kids learned and I could also use the tools to ask students what they feel needs to be reviewed before test out of certain units or if they feel like they need to review from the day before. This would be helpful for high school because at that age they would have easy access to internet and computers and so the ease of doing this would make it more effective, if necessary I could make it worth homework but that wouldn't be necessary.

    While reviewing my classmates blogs the topics I found the most interesting were the ones that included the personal life touch because in these posts and options always differed from mine. These included the flipped classroom discussion. I bring this up because I am personally a fan of this method because my school used it and I liked it a lot but then reading through Bella's blog and her option of it not being a good idea because of her experience of kids not doing their homework did help me see the other side to this argument. I also liked the discussion we all had after out trip to the sand box and how different the experience was depending on what you did while there and how everybody seemed to like another piece of tech I didn't see.

    For my next tech skill I would like to learn more about Excel actually. Right now I don't like the program because I don't know all of it's secrets and tricks which would make it more user friendly and Chip friendly. So I think if I learned more about it I would actually like to use Excel and use it more often.


  1. I totally agree with the point of being able to see the different opinions on everyones blogs. Definitely brought points up that I didn't even think of! Great post! Way to go out in bang!

  2. You've been doing great, Chip! Great final post!
